Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Deep Blue

Well, I'm pretty sure that my last post from Fiji didn't make it on line - we seemed to run out of Vodafone credit right as I was pushing the "post" button.

Assuming that one didn't post, you now find us, with little in the way of a transition, at sea, about 30 hours out from Fiji, bound for Opua, New Zealand.

We've had a fine start to the trip. Some 8-9 knot bashing along last night, when the boys were safely asleep and didn't need to be watched on a pitching boat, and gentler, but still rapid enough, sailing to fill most of the day today.

The sea has been the deep, happy blue of pelagic waters in the tropics. A wahoo came on board today and gave us two great meals, with at least a third and maybe a fourth promised for tomorrow.

Elias keeps saying things like, "this is such an exciting passage". I finished reading The Sword in the Stone to him today and started in on Tom Sawyer. Seven really is an ideal age for a kid to live on a boat.

Eric keeps hitting his brother and calling his mom an idiot. Alisa and I have been coming down hard on him - we're at our wits' end for getting anything like civilized behavior out of the kid. Three is not such an ideal age for living on a boat. Of course, it may not be an ideal age for living on land, either, I'm not sure.

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